Nevada District Attorneys Association
The Nevada District Attorneys Association is a statewide non-partisan organization led by the elected District Attorneys in Nevada’s 17 counties. Our mission is to support the efforts of all prosecuting agencies in our State as we work to ensure the public’s safety and the government’s integrity through just and fair prosecutions and high-quality, ethical representation of public agencies. We are committed to the values of honesty, fairness, transparency, and equality under the law.

Meet Nevada’s District Attorneys
One team dedicated to the principles of law and justice in Nevada.
Of the 17 counties in Nevada, all have an elected District Attorney. From large D.A. offices to small ones, metropolitan areas to rural communities, Nevada’s District Attorneys are devoted to ensuring justice is served in the judicial system. They are committed to protecting the welfare of their individual and unique counties. With diverse backgrounds and experiences, Nevada District Attorneys also work collectively to support public safety, victims of crime, and other prosecutors throughout the state. Not just county-lawyers, they are dedicated community members, volunteers, coaches of youth sports, mentors, non-profit board members, and devoted family members.
Our Role & What We Do
The Nevada District Attorneys Association is the voice of Nevada prosecutors. We work hard to protect the rights of victims and preserve the safety of our families and communities. Our members collaborate to overcome challenges and take advantage of opportunities to improve our service to the public. The Nevada District Attorneys Association also partners with other criminal justice stakeholders to propose, develop, and advocate common-sense, evidence-based reforms to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of law enforcement and judicial processes.
How to Contact Us
Reach out to our Association or your District’s Attorney today. We’re here to help you.